




2013年シューベルト国際コンクールリートデュオ部門第1位(ドルトムント・ドイツ)など国内外のコンクールで多数入賞。2011年ニーダーザクセン歌劇場管弦楽団(TfN Philharmonie)と協演、2013年国際ヘンデル音楽祭(ゲッティンゲン・ドイツ)出演をはじめ、ドイツ各地にてリート伴奏者、フォルテピアノ奏者、チェンバロ奏者として活躍。2014年帰国。数々のフォルテピアノリサイタル、レクチャーコンサート、リート伴奏、女性作曲家作品の紹介など多彩な活動を展開しており、豊かな色彩感、躍動感溢れるダイナミックな演奏と楽曲に対する深い洞察力は国内外の誌上・紙上にて高い評価を得ている。ピティナピアノコンペティションをはじめコンクール審査員もつとめ、後進の指導にもあたっている。




Takako Miyazaki

Takako MIYAZAKI studied piano and early music at the Tokyo College of Music, and then at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, Germany, where she finished the undergraduate programs of the piano and the early music department. She continued her study at Hannover and finished the postgraduate program for the fortepiano performers in 2014. She started her professional career even during her stay at Hannover working for the department of opera as an accompanying pianist, and more enthusiastically after graduation as lied accompanist, fortepianist, and in various cities in Germany. The highlight of her career, so far, is the the grand prix at at the international Schubert competition in Dortmund in 2013. Currently she goes back and forth between the two countries, and has been successful in gaining internationally high evaluations of her performances in fortepiano, female composer works, and lied accompaniment. Her successes, internationally competitive, come from the skills in the realization of the colorful tones, lively dynamic performances on a piano and fortepiano and her deep understandings in the music she works on. She has also served as a judge for competitions including the Pitina Piano Competition, and teaches younger students.
She wrote a serial “Would you like to listen and play them? This and that by Female Composers” in the piano music magazine “Chopin” (May 2017 – October 2020).
Her mentors of her studies in Japan are the late Akira Jinno, Ami Fujiwara, Emiko Harimoto, Katsunori Nshii, Hitoko Kurosawa and in Germany Prof. Gerrit Zitterbart for piano studies, for fortepiano again Prof. Gerrit Zitterbart and Prof. Zvi Meniker, and for lied accompaniment method Prof. Jan Philip Schulze.





Takako Miyazaki

Takako MIYAZAKI studied piano and early music at the Tokyo College of Music, and then at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, Germany, where she finished the undergraduate programs of the piano and the early music department. She continued her study at Hannover and finished the postgraduate program for the fortepiano performers in 2014. She started her professional career even during her stay at Hannover working for the department of opera as an accompanying pianist, and more enthusiastically after graduation as lied accompanist, fortepianist, and in various cities in Germany. The highlight of her career, so far, is the the grand prix at at the international Schubert competition in Dortmund in 2013. Currently she goes back and forth between the two countries, and has been successful in gaining internationally high evaluations of her performances in fortepiano, female composer works, and lied accompaniment. Her successes, internationally competitive, come from the skills in the realization of the colorful tones, lively dynamic performances on a piano and fortepiano and her deep understandings in the music she works on.

Her mentors of her studies in Japan are the late Akira Jinno, Ami Fujiwara, Emiko Harimoto, Katsunori Nshii, Hitoko Kurosawa and in Germany Prof. Gerrit Zitterbart for piano studies, for fortepiano again Prof. Gerrit Zitterbart and Prof. Zvi Meniker, and for lied accompaniment method Prof. Jan Philip Schulze.